Our Finest Hay Sampler!
Instructions for use:
- Attach a Hand Drill (battery powered or AC powered) to the drill attachment end of the Model-2004.
- Allow the chamber body to rotate in your supporting hand until the probe is inserted into the sample bale.
- Then push the drill end while holding the trigger. The probe will core a nice sample into the probe tip.
- Remove the Probe by simply reversing the drill motor and pulling away from the bale.
- Insert the supplied push rod into the cutting end of the probe (watch your fingers).
- Gently push the contents of the probe into the probe chamber.
- Remove the push rod and you are ready to core the next sample bale.
- When finished sampling the lot, push the detent pin on the drill adaptor to remove the end of the 2004.
- Empty the contents of the chamber into a plastic bag or simliar container.
- Label the container with time, date and temperature when the sample was taken.